Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday,, la, la, la,la...

It's my last full week of school before we're out for the summer!!!! Yahooooooo!!!

I tried to eat clean today, after a weekend of "loose" zoning....and when I say  loose, I mean McDonald's and some pasta and small victory today was that I had a small cookie at school, so to balance it out, I cut out my carb blocks at lunch and cut down my fat blocks by 1.5. I had the cookie right before lunch, so I kind of figured it for my lunch. 

B- 2 eggs, 2 egg whites
1 c strawberries
6 almonds
1 slice Ezekiel bread
1/3 tsp butter
L - cookie :(
3 oz extra lean brisket
1 oz 2% milk cheese
1/3 fruit cocktail
3 almonds
S#1 - 3 cashews
1/2 c lowfat plain yogurt flavored with a pinch of sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg (never done that was an interesting taste...)
S#2 - 1 oz dark chocolate
D - 4 oz grilled chicken
2 c steamed broccoli with 1/3 tsp EVOO
1/3 c high protein pasta tossed with EVOO and pepper
It really is true that if you eat the protein and veggies first, then you are too full to eat the "unfavorable" carbs. I budgeted for one more block of the pasta and I ended up only eating half of what was on my plate. After gobbling up the pasta and broccoli, I couldn't finish all the pasta. I'm planning on a 1 block snack before bed...maybe some dark chocolate....mmmm...that sounds good! 

WOD for today is in my CF's the link:

It was a toughie today....I did weighted pull ups with a kettlebell in my back pack. The weight was distributed awkwardly, so it made it a bit harder.

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