Monday, October 19, 2009

A new way of life

So this is my new way of life. Bye bye bread, cookies, crackers, artifical sugar, and anything else you can think of that has too many chemical ingredients. Grocery shopping yesterday was interesting, I don't think I've ever bought so many fruits and veggies. I even bought some ground bison to try. Why make this change? Well it's for a few reasons.

1. Superficial - I want to look good and starches, sugars, and grains create a bloated look.

2. Performance - Since I Crossfit, eating this way will help me maintain energy and recover from workouts better.

3. Longevity - I want to live forever! Well, maybe not forever, but I want to at least give myself the best chance at a quality of life.

4. Challenge - I just want to try this and see if I can actually stick to it. My will power is not good, and I talk a good talk. Now it's time to walk the walk. I am a sugar junky, I love anything sweet, so this is a challenge for me.

After I left the grocery store last night and I got home and starting thinking about all the things I "wouldn't" be able to eat. The thought of that actually was depressing and I realized how strong my emotional attachment is to food. It was a little alarming! I mean, do I not have thousands of other things in my life to bring me joy and happiness? If I count on food to do this for me, then I have a serious problem! The only solution is to cut it out. Food is not emotional, it's sustanance, that's it. Eat to live...don't live to eat.

I'm Back...

I see that my last post was in February! Much has happened since that last post. The most important being the birth of my beautiful baby girl, Ansley. She came in at 7lb 9oz and 21 inches long. She is almost 6 months old and is truely a blessing to me and Ryan.

I was thinking about the direction that I wanted to take this blog, because I need to keep up with it. Not that I have a lot of spare time, but what's the point in wasting the space? So, instead of trying to keep this on one topic or for one specific purpose, I'm going to use this for periodic random musings and thought "throw up". There may be posts about kids, nutrition, crossfit, faith or anything else that pops into my head!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can I keep up??

I need to really update my blog more! It's been hectic with work, baby, and family...I guess it's only going to get worse. 

I'm now about 30 weeks along and my baby is strong and healthy...did I mention it's a GIRL?!?!? We are going to name her Ansley Nicole. We are currently in the process of trying to get the nursery done.

I've been crossfitting pretty hard the last few weeks. It makes me feel good. I can still rock out 15 pull ups in a row and do most workouts without much scaling. I have to do low box jumps and go VERY slow, and I can't do anything heavy or do situps. But other than that I haven't had to change much else. I did Murph a couple weeks ago in 52 min (Rx). I also did Fran (55#) in 6:18. Grace and I are going to film a Fran soon and see if I can do better. I can't seem to stop competing, even though right now, it's not about going fast or heavy. 

Eating has been a struggle. Last time I went to the doc, he said I already gained 35lbs, which scared the crap out of me! I'm not sure where all the weight has gone, since my belly is the only thing that's getting HUGE. I know I've had some muscle gain, due to my workouts and the added weight. I can see that my shoulders and traps are bigger than they were. I can't, however, seem to kick the sugar habit right now. It's an addiction!! I've gone back to an "eyeball" zone, or at least tried to, in order to up protein and fat and hopefully cut down a little on the sugar. Luckily my glucose test came back fine, so no gestational diabetes! I'm going to keep "trying" to watch what I eat!